Create a Routine So many of our residents here at Melody Living are parents who remember the good old days of raising babies. The golden rule has always been and always will be to create a sleep routine to optimize sleep. Seniors should try to go to bed at the same time each night and then wake up at the same time every morning. A sleep routine can also consist of activities your loved ones do before they get into bed. We suggest listening to calming music, using lavender oil, and setting aside 20 minutes of reading time or prayers.
Watch What You Drink The rule of thumb is stop drinking caffeine by 4:00 p.m. However, if your senior loved one enjoys a late afternoon cup of coffee or tea, and they have a hard time falling asleep, try adjusting that cup of coffee or tea to be at least half an hour earlier than they are used to or switch to decaf. Then, slowly keep pushing the time back so that they are no longer drinking past 4:00 p.m. We suggest you communicate daily with your loved one and create a chart to see if this practice is making a difference. Talk To The Doc If none of these practices are working for your senior loved one, it is probably time to discuss sleep issues with the doctor. An underlying medical issue can affect your sleep and a medical professional will be able to have a conversation with you and your loved one to answer all of your questions and make further recommendations. For more information on Melody Living Lake in the Hills’ senior living community, give us a call today at 847.957.7070. Comments are closed.
Managed by Residents First, Inc.
- Melody Living, Lake In The Hills, IL